Tag Indian hockey team

Indian hockey team reviews the nation’s rich history

Instructed by head coach Graham Reid, Indian hockey players went through the nation’s rich history at the Olympic Games during the two-week mandatory quarantine period at the national camp in Bengaluru. Indian hockey boasts of an unparalleled record of eight Olympic gold medals, six of which were consecutively won over three decades. Coach Reid reckoned revisiting them was a good way to revitalise his players’ spirit ahead of the Tokyo Games next year. “During the last two weeks, we learnt about India’s extraordinary Olympic history,” Graham Reid told Hockey India. “The players’ job was to study a number of Olympic stories and present to the group their individual learnings and what can we use as a team going forward,” Reid explained. After a month-long break, the core group of Indian hockey players has now resumed training for a long away season ahead of the Olympic Games next year. “We will be using these next few weeks to work on everyone’s development plan and focus on skill development while we can improve their aerobic base,” Reid said. “I reminded the players that every action and decision we make will help us to either get closer to…

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